Client project matching AI recommendations?
Client project matching AI recommendations?

Client project matching AI recommendations?

At my company, we collaborate closely with top-level executives from Fortune 500 companies and other industry leaders, helping them identify and secure the right partners for crucial digital transformation initiatives. When these executives present us with their project specifics, budgets, obstacles, and schedules, we take charge of finding the right partners for their RFP process, enhancing the entire workflow for efficiency and effectiveness. Currently, I have a collection of RFP projects and I’m keen on leveraging AI to simplify the task of identifying potential partners to call. I provided ChatGPT with all of my various project details and would inquire, ‘Which of my client projects align well with X company, and what are the reasons?’ OR “Would X company align with any of my projects?” The AI started off well, but eventually became confused and started making mistakes. Are there any systems available that could assist me in this project matching process?

submitted by /u/Ajkrouse
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