Check out "The Writers’ Revolt Against A.I. Companies" on The Daily, a New York Times podcast.
Check out "The Writers’ Revolt Against A.I. Companies" on The Daily, a New York Times podcast.

Check out "The Writers’ Revolt Against A.I. Companies" on The Daily, a New York Times podcast.

The host, Michael Barbaro interviews technology correspondent Sheera Frenkel on the use of ChatGPT in Hollywood. This episode is much more interesting than I expected. It's not particularly technical, but it does get deeply into the nuances of how information is gathered, and describes the lawsuit brought by writers including Sarah Silverman.

I did use ChatGPT to translate my submission statement into Sarah Silverman's voice, while I still can. The content below is original (i.e. shadow IT reference).

I highly recommend r/TheDaily for discussions around the podcast in general. It's a great sub that's well moderated and friendly (like this one!).

This episode aired on July 18, 2023, and you can find it wherever you get your podcasts, you can also find it here on the New York Times website. please consider subscribing.

Hey folks! So, I was meandering around in the digital labyrinth that is Reddit, and wham, I crash into this epic episode of The Daily Podcast over at r/TheDaily, and I just had to bring it here to our AI-loving den.

Get this: The episode talks about how our favorite word juggler, ChatGPT, has been accused of playing dirty. Accused by whom, you ask? None other than our very own stand-up queen Sarah Silverman, along with a bunch of other scribes! Their beef? They reckon GPT's been swiping their online content without so much as a "by your leave", let alone royalties.

Now, r/TheDaily is one sweet spot for hashing out all the juicy tidbits from the podcast, and I can't say enough about the sheer joy of plucking intellectual content right off the 'net. I mean, I'd hate to see that go away, 'cause where else would I get my 3 am dose of quantum mechanics or how to cook perfect lasagna?

But, back to the point, it's a real noodle scratcher. On one hand, we’ve got these hard-working writers and comedians, on the other, there's GPT who's mashing up all that content like a hyperactive blender. It’s like standing between an unstoppable force and an immovable object, right? How do we figure out who gets the cherry on the cake, and who's left holding the spatula?

But hey, maybe we don't need to pick a side here. Can we dream up a system where both sides get their piece of the pie, maybe even with a scoop of ice cream on top? Because let’s face it, if we don’t, someone else - be it another country, or the shady folks from the dark web - they’re gonna swoop right in and get the job done anyway, creating a worldwide wild west of tech, or what those geeky types call "shadow IT".

So, let's pop the lid off this can of worms, shall we? Give it a listen, and bring your brainiest thoughts back here. We got ourselves an internet-age conundrum to solve, people!

submitted by /u/InnovativeBureaucrat
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