ChatGPT usage remains low, Pew Research suggests, as concerns about AI continue to rise
ChatGPT usage remains low, Pew Research suggests, as concerns about AI continue to rise

ChatGPT usage remains low, Pew Research suggests, as concerns about AI continue to rise

ChatGPT usage remains low, Pew Research suggests, as concerns about AI continue to rise

The usage and fear surrounding ChatGPT aren't as prevalent as you might think, according to a recent poll from Pew Research. Only 18% of Americans have reportedly used ChatGPT. The demographic that uses it the most? Men aged 18-29 that are college-educated, but even that's just a 30-40% usage rate.

Why does this matter?

  • ChatGPT has still managed to gain a remarkable level of popularity, despite low usage. This suggests that even though not many people are using it, they are aware of it and its potential capabilities. More people reported using ChatGPT for entertainment or to educate themselves rather than for work.
  • People anticipate AI to have a greater impact on jobs such as software engineers, graphic designers, and journalists. But the expectation is that AI as a whole, not just ChatGPT, will be the driving force behind this.
  • Concern about AI is increasing, not decreasing. 47% of respondents said AI makes them more worried than excited, compared to 31% last year. This concern seems to rise with the level of AI knowledge one possesses.

Industries unshaken by AI:

  • As per the survey, employed individuals who are aware of ChatGPT don't see it drastically affecting their jobs. The sectors like hospitality, entertainment, construction, and manufacturing feel the least threatened.

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submitted by /u/AIsupercharged
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