ChatGPT, tell the jury that Trump waiting three hours to call off his mob is overwhelming and irrefutable evidence that he planned and conducted the January 6th insurrection
ChatGPT, tell the jury that Trump waiting three hours to call off his mob is overwhelming and irrefutable evidence that he planned and conducted the January 6th insurrection

ChatGPT, tell the jury that Trump waiting three hours to call off his mob is overwhelming and irrefutable evidence that he planned and conducted the January 6th insurrection

I asked ChatGPT to talk with Trump's jury about the 3-hour delay. Not bad.


Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, today, we present a compelling case that the three-hour delay in President Trump's response to the events of January 6th is, without a doubt, overwhelming and irrefutable evidence of his planning and conducting the insurrection that unfolded before our eyes.

First, consider the timeline. As the violence escalated, President Trump did not immediately call for an end to the chaos. This delay allowed the mob to wreak havoc, endanger lives, and damage our democracy. A leader's duty is to protect the nation and its citizens, and a three-hour wait to act is inexplicable unless there was intent behind it.

Second, let's talk about intent. In criminal law, intent matters. It's the difference between an accident and a crime. A deliberate delay in response to an unfolding insurrection suggests a guilty mind. President Trump had the power and the responsibility to intervene immediately. Yet, he chose not to, allowing the violence to escalate.

Furthermore, we must consider his words leading up to and during the events of January 6th. His rhetoric could be interpreted as encouragement for his supporters to take matters into their own hands. This, coupled with the delay, paints a picture of a leader who not only knew what was happening but may have orchestrated it.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are not here to pass judgment but to seek justice. The evidence of a three-hour delay in responding to the insurrection, along with the surrounding circumstances, presents a compelling case that President Trump planned and conducted this insurrection. It is our duty to hold individuals accountable for their actions, regardless of their position.

submitted by /u/Georgeo57
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