Chatbot to train with business database and then query it to show charts. What are your suggestions?
Chatbot to train with business database and then query it to show charts. What are your suggestions?

Chatbot to train with business database and then query it to show charts. What are your suggestions?


So, I have this case study I wanted to create. My idea is grabbing on my full database and then feed it to something that could be private (so preferably not OpenAI related).

Then, I want to place a written message, requesting whatever I wanted and it should use that knowledge from that db to answer based on all that data. In order to make it easier, I could even have a button for each chart type that I would click and it could create that chart based on my written request.

Those answers, if I request a specific chart type, it should set the output in that chart. It can even be limited to 2 or 3 charts, that's fine for me for now as it would be enough for my needs.

What do you suggest to achieve this?


submitted by /u/pedlima
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