Chatbase appears to be running a bait and switch. Am I missing something?
Chatbase appears to be running a bait and switch. Am I missing something?

Chatbase appears to be running a bait and switch. Am I missing something?

Chatbase appears to be running a bait and switch. Am I missing something?

This website claims to offer a service whereby the user can train their own chatbot and get responses using GPT 3.5 ... However, the bot only uses GPT 3.5 for the first unique version of a query, which is not the impression given by advertisements.

This, to me, amounts to a bait and switch where a high quality chatbot is offered for a certain price, then swapped out with an inferior product capable only of reproducing past interactions. This is made worse by the fact that they advertise temperature as one of the variables you can set. Temperature is a variable that can only apply to uniquely generated output and has no effect on simple repetition of previous responses. This makes their practice doubly deceptive, and makes it clear (in my view) that they are trying to deceive customers.

One can prove this deception by noting the following:

  1. The bot will usually reply the same way to the same query after the first time regardless of temperature setting.
  2. When the bot is generating a response the very first time, the letters appear slowly and individually as they generate. After that, the entire response appears together instantly and exactly as it was written the first time.
  3. GPT does not behave this way. Instead, it generates slightly different responses to the same query every time. This is one of the invaluable attributes of GPT which users seek out specifically over other, inferior bots.

Note: In some cases, the bot may generate a unique response 2 or 3 times before settling on a "Permanent" response.

This behavior seems to me best explained by the provider using GPT to generate only the first response, then using an inferior bot which operates on wrote memorization of past generated responses to save costs, while representing to their customers the illusion that they have access to a superior service.

Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me? I mean, look at their website's FAQ. They make it sound like the user has total control over which model their bot uses, and like one message credit buys you a usage of GPT 3.5.

submitted by /u/Kaltovar
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