Channel 1 is launching completely AI-generated news anchors for news reporting
Channel 1 is launching completely AI-generated news anchors for news reporting

Channel 1 is launching completely AI-generated news anchors for news reporting

Quick Overview:

Channel 1 AI is set to launch in 2024 with a unique approach to news reporting. The company will use artificial intelligence (AI) to generate personalized news reports for each individual viewer.

The media company Channel 1 AI’s AI-generated news anchors will be hyper-realistic and can speak in multiple languages. They will be able to deliver news reports on a variety of topics, including current events, sports, and entertainment.

The company claims that its “AI native news” will be accurate and unbiased. The news reports will be generated using data from trusted news sources, and they will be reviewed by human editors and producers.

Channel 1 AI plans to partner with a news agency for content and will start with a Fast channel in early 2024, expanding to mobile and TV applications later.

My Thoughts:

I totally get that having news made just for you is cool, but when they promise it's "unbiased," it makes me wonder. They say the AI won't have biases, which is okay, but what about the info the AI is using?

The company plans to use "trusted sources" and "human editors," but who's to say these human editors aren't biased? All this info gets filtered before going into the AI's database, and that kinda takes away the whole idea of being unbiased because the regulators are choosing which sources to feed the AI.

Apart from me being sceptical to how unbiased this will actually be, I think that it would be very cool to have a completely custom news reporter that tailors to your interests.

Here is the Channel 1 AI website (Link)

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submitted by /u/ThatNoCodeGuy
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