machine learning
machine learning

Machine-learning system processes sounds like humans do – MIT News

MIT NewsMachine-learning system processes sounds like humans doMIT NewsUsing a machine-learning system known as a deep neural network, MIT researchers have created the first model that can replicate human performance on auditory tasks such as identifyi…

This Machine Learning System Thinks About Music Like You Do – NOVA Next


This Machine Learning System Thinks About Music Like You Do
If you’ve ever let Spotify DJ your party and then found yourself asking, a half an hour in, “Spotify, what are you thinking?”—well, it actually may be thinking a lot like you. Scientists reported in a new study from the Massachusetts Institute of

Machine-learning software predicts behavior of bacteria – Phys.Org


Machinelearning software predicts behavior of bacteria
Clemons and his graduate student, Shyam Saladi, created that tool—a machinelearning software they’ve dubbed IMProve—that compares bacterial DNA with data about how much protein the bacteria produces. They then used a dataset for IMProve that

What Human Teams Can Learn From Machine Learning Marketing Algorithms – Adweek

AdweekWhat Human Teams Can Learn From Machine Learning Marketing AlgorithmsAdweekArtificial-intelligence-powered automation of human jobs has been a hot topic over the past decade. But while factory workers and other manual roles may have grimly accept…

Machine Learning Market to See 43.6% CAGR Through 2022 – GlobeNewswire (press release)

Machine Learning Market to See 43.6% CAGR Through 2022GlobeNewswire (press release)WELLESLEY, Mass., April 19, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The ability of computers to learn without having to be programmed—a function known as machine learning—will impact a…

Who Will Survive The Machine-Learning Revolution? – AdExchanger

AdExchangerWho Will Survive The Machine-Learning Revolution?AdExchangerMachine learning (ML) is a very trendy term, raising huge expectations on one end and creating fantastic fears on the other. Even if there is a lot of “ML-washing” among the ad tech…

Machine Learning’s ‘Amazing’ Ability to Predict Chaos – Quanta Magazine

Quanta Magazine

Machine Learning’s ‘Amazing’ Ability to Predict Chaos
Quanta Magazine
In a series of results reported in the journals Physical Review Letters and Chaos, scientists have used machine learning — the same computational technique behind recent successes in artificial intelligence — to predict the future evolution of

Alexa Can Now Make You a Better Call of Duty Player – Variety – Variety

VarietyAlexa Can Now Make You a Better Call of Duty Player – VarietyVarietyA new Alexa Skill launched in beta today that uses machine learning to analyze and improve your gameplay in "Call of Duty: WWII."Call of Duty: WWII Alexa Skill gives y…

DHL Gets Logical – And Logistical – About Machine Learning – The Next Platform

The Next PlatformDHL Gets Logical – And Logistical – About Machine LearningThe Next PlatformFor the past several years, machine learning as evolved by the hyperscalers has been trickling down from on high, through frameworks and services, into enterpri…

The Difference Between Consumer and Industrial Machine Learning – Automation World

Automation World

The Difference Between Consumer and Industrial Machine Learning
Automation World
Machine learning may sound like a technology we will use at some point in the future, but it’s a technology many, if not most, of us interact with on a daily basis. If you’ve ever asked Siri to “call home” or seen name tagging suggestions appear while