Amazon launches new educational program, inspired by Houston professor – The Business Journals
Amazon launches new educational program, inspired by Houston professor The Business Journals
Amazon launches new educational program, inspired by Houston professor The Business Journals
Making Sense of Coercivity in Magnetic Materials with Machine Learning Lab Manager Magazine
How Gemini Sports Analytics Uses AI to Improve Athlete Data Management SportTechie
Machine Learning Model Metrics – Trust Them? FTI Consulting
Humans and machines learning new approaches to supply-chain resiliency Smart Industry
PyTorch 2.0 release accelerates open-source machine learning VentureBeat
SOC Turns to Homegrown Machine Learning to Catch Cyber-Intruders DARKReading
The 10 Hottest Data Science And Machine Learning Startups In 2022 CRN
AFTAs 2022: Most innovative third-party technology vendor (AI and machine learning)—CompatibL
Philip Tagari switches Amgen’s discovery lab for insitro’s machine learning tools; CEO Joaquin Duato to chair J&J’s board Endpoints News