Strong as steel, light as foam: Machine learn – EurekAlert
Strong as steel, light as foam: Machine learn EurekAlert
Strong as steel, light as foam: Machine learn EurekAlert
Strong as steel, light as foam: Machine learn EurekAlert
Strong as steel, light as foam: Machine learn EurekAlert
Machine learning and 3D printing yield steel-strong, foam-light materials
Comparative analysis of machine learning approaches for predicting the risk of vaginal laxity
Researchers at Stanford Propose a Unified Regression-based Machine Learning Framework for Sequence Models with Associative Memory MarkTechPost
A data driven machine learning approach for predicting and optimizing sulfur compound adsorption on metal organic frameworks
A convolutional neural network model and algorithm driven prototype for sustainable tilling and fertilizer optimization
A machine learning based algorithm accurately stages liver disease by quantification of arteries
Machine learning is bringing back an infamous pseudoscience used to fuel racism ZME Science