machine learning
machine learning

IIT Mandi invites applications for short-term Machine learning, IoT-based automation courses, no JEE score needed – The Indian Express

IIT Mandi invites applications for short-term Machine learning, IoT-based automation courses, no JEE score needed  The Indian Express

This AI Paper Introduces a Groundbreaking Approach to Causal Reasoning: Assessing the Abilities of Language Models with CLadder and CausalCoT – MarkTechPost

This AI Paper Introduces a Groundbreaking Approach to Causal Reasoning: Assessing the Abilities of Language Models with CLadder and CausalCoT  MarkTechPost

Research Fellow in Bayesian Machine Learning for Psychoacoustic Modelling job with UNIVERSITY OF … – Times Higher Education

Research Fellow in Bayesian Machine Learning for Psychoacoustic Modelling job with UNIVERSITY OF …  Times Higher Education