machine learning
machine learning

Evaluation of tourism elements in historical and cultural blocks using machine learning: a case study of Taiping Street in Hunan Province –

Evaluation of tourism elements in historical and cultural blocks using machine learning: a case study of Taiping Street in Hunan Province

Machine learning prediction of ammonia nitrogen adsorption on biochar with model evaluation and optimization –

Machine learning prediction of ammonia nitrogen adsorption on biochar with model evaluation and optimization

Meta AI Releases the Video Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture (V-JEPA) Model: A Crucial Step in Advancing Machine Intelligence – MarkTechPost

Meta AI Releases the Video Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture (V-JEPA) Model: A Crucial Step in Advancing Machine Intelligence  MarkTechPost

Advancing extrapolative predictions of material properties through learning to learn using extrapolative episodic training –

Advancing extrapolative predictions of material properties through learning to learn using extrapolative episodic training

Interpretable machine learning to evaluate relationships between DAO/DAOA (pLG72) protein data and features in clinical assessments, functional outcome, and cognitive function in schizophrenia patients –

Interpretable machine learning to evaluate relationships between DAO/DAOA (pLG72) protein data and features in clinical assessments, functional outcome, and cognitive function in schizophrenia patients

Fast, smart, and adaptive: using machine learning to optimize mental health assessment and monitor change over time –

Fast, smart, and adaptive: using machine learning to optimize mental health assessment and monitor change over time

A hybrid inception-dilated-ResNet architecture for deep learning-based prediction of COVID-19 severity –

A hybrid inception-dilated-ResNet architecture for deep learning-based prediction of COVID-19 severity