machine learning deployment
machine learning deployment

Apple has filed a patent for Vision-Based Hand Gesture Customization using advanced Machine Learning – Patently Apple

Apple has filed a patent for Vision-Based Hand Gesture Customization using advanced Machine Learning  Patently Apple

Hyperspectral discrimination of vegetable crops grown under organic and conventional cultivation practices: a machine learning approach –

Hyperspectral discrimination of vegetable crops grown under organic and conventional cultivation practices: a machine learning approach

BT’s Howard Watson on ‘AI that does stuff,’ open RAN’s shortcomings and the sovereign clouds on the horizon – Light Reading

BT’s Howard Watson on ‘AI that does stuff,’ open RAN’s shortcomings and the sovereign clouds on the horizon  Light Reading

Application of the random forest algorithm to predict skilled birth attendance and identify determinants among reproductive-age women in 27 Sub-Saharan African countries; machine learning analysis – BMC Public Health

Application of the random forest algorithm to predict skilled birth attendance and identify determinants among reproductive-age women in 27 Sub-Saharan African countries; machine learning analysis  BMC Public Health