machine learning deployment
machine learning deployment

Trajectory of breastfeeding among Chinese women and risk prediction models based on machine learning: a cohort study – BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

Trajectory of breastfeeding among Chinese women and risk prediction models based on machine learning: a cohort study  BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

Meet OREO (Offline REasoning Optimization): An Offline Reinforcement Learning Method for Enhancing LLM Multi-Step Reasoning – MarkTechPost

Meet OREO (Offline REasoning Optimization): An Offline Reinforcement Learning Method for Enhancing LLM Multi-Step Reasoning  MarkTechPost

A comprehensive and bias-free machine learning approach for risk prediction of preeclampsia with severe features in a nulliparous study cohort – BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

A comprehensive and bias-free machine learning approach for risk prediction of preeclampsia with severe features in a nulliparous study cohort  BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

Why Do Task Vectors Exist in Pretrained LLMs? This AI Research from MIT and Improbable AI Uncovers How Transformers Form Internal Abstractions and the Mechanisms Behind in-Context Learning (ICL) – MarkTechPost

Why Do Task Vectors Exist in Pretrained LLMs? This AI Research from MIT and Improbable AI Uncovers How Transformers Form Internal Abstractions and the Mechanisms Behind in-Context Learning (ICL)  MarkTechPost