machine learning deployment
machine learning deployment

HuggingFace Introduces Quanto: A Python Quantization Toolkit to Reduce the Computational and Memory Costs of Evaluating Deep Learning Models – MarkTechPost

HuggingFace Introduces Quanto: A Python Quantization Toolkit to Reduce the Computational and Memory Costs of Evaluating Deep Learning Models  MarkTechPost

Tnt-LLM: A Novel Machine Learning Framework that Combines the Interpretability of Manual Approaches with the Scale of Automatic Text Clustering and Topic Modeling – MarkTechPost

Tnt-LLM: A Novel Machine Learning Framework that Combines the Interpretability of Manual Approaches with the Scale of Automatic Text Clustering and Topic Modeling  MarkTechPost

Optimising the manufacturing of a β-Ti alloy produced via direct energy deposition using small dataset machine … –

Optimising the manufacturing of a β-Ti alloy produced via direct energy deposition using small dataset machine …

DESiRED — Dynamic, Enhanced, and Smart iRED: A P4-AQM with Deep Reinforcement Learning and In-band … –

DESiRED — Dynamic, Enhanced, and Smart iRED: A P4-AQM with Deep Reinforcement Learning and In-band …