
Is There A Difference In Fine Tuning A Llama 2 Model With Function Calls Versus Unstructured Outputs?

Hey, I am currently fine tuning a llama 2 model with a model I have set up with JSON function calls. I am wondering if there's any differences in the way I should approach fine tuning with the structured output versus the unstructured output. &#…

I asked the maker of the viral hit "Hyper Reality" why he imagined a dystopian future with AI

Keiichi, can you share your thoughts on why Hyper Reality turned out dystopian? Keiichi: Hyper Reality was born from my exploration of emerging technologies and their integration into our daily lives. Initially, it wasn’t intended to be dystopian…

I’m doing my PhD and helped develop an AI tool to assist with learning and research on virtually any topic. It generates responses backed with peer-reviewed literature and can also summarize research articles. It’s like an interactive encyclopedia. Link:

submitted by /u/HugoWeaving5 [link] [comments]

Is there a tool out there like this where ai may help someone run a 1-person company?

I tried building a framework/workflow where ai agent persona's are used to prime a new chat with a GPT. Each agent had a different focused skill used in business, like marketing – and the business is essentially run by overseeing meetings between a…