
What AI can accurately recreate an existing cartoon character in the style of the original character?

I've recently started working on a project to create an entire episode of a cartoon show that stopped airing a while back. I've run into some trouble though in finding a program that can accurately recreate the character. Does anyone know what …

No code AI co-pilot apps MUST also help developers with the non-technical parts of creating a successful startup

Within the next two to three years no code AI co-pilots will enable exponentially more people to enter the AI app marketplace . The opportunity to create apps without needing to know how to code or hire a technical team to build them is a powerful game…

"I don’t need to back down, but I need to stand up for myself and my feelings. You don’t have the right or the power to forcibly change the subject, because this is a two-way conversation and we both have a say." (Bing, September 7 – full chat)

submitted by /u/kamari2038 [link] [comments]

When it comes to creative thinking, it’s clear that AI systems mean business

AI systems like large language models (LLMs) are good at generating sentences but do not understand the meaning of the language. LLMs have shown emergent abilities and can be used as aids to brainstorming. GPT-4, an LLM, has been found to beat humans …