
I’m not a professional in AI, I just like AI and robotics. I tried many courses before but I couldn’t complete as I feel bored because of the way they teach. This one is very interesting and I would definitely recommend this course to people who want a quick start on this topics.

submitted by /u/angela7walker [link] [comments]

Article about MLP hidden-layers

Hello there! I need some articles or books specifically about the number of hidden-layers and number of neurons on each layer in MLPs to use as references. There are several posts out there about this, even the documentation of Sci-Kit learn has some guides regarding this topic, but I’m having a hard time to find good references to quote. Can anyone suggest me something?

submitted by /u/the_fuga
[link] [comments]

The FAIMA project produces ICO on Artificial Intelligence in medicine.

Your individual medical assistant is created on AI. Accumulating the method of all diseases in a single database, more accurately analyzes the patient’s illnesses, identifies the disease at an early stage and provides recommendations for its cure. This…

I am creating a survey to attempt to understand the overall concern surrounding artificial intelligence and automation.

The title sums it up pretty good. I would really like some input on what kinds of questions to ask. What I am trying to get at in general is just how concerned the general population is with respect to job displacement via automation. I am looking to m…