
Etsy Taking Stores Down as it’s Bot Can’t Tell Which Mockups are Real and Which ones are AI Generated

If you are an Etsy seller or know someone who sells on Etsy, or maybe you went on Etsy and your favorite store is gone, could be due to the Etsy bots taking down stores for not figuring out properly which Mockup Images are real and which ones are AI Ge…

New data poisoning tool lets artists fight back against generative AI

Nightshade is a new data poisoning tool that allows artists to fight back against generative AI models. By adding invisible changes to the pixels in their art, artists can cause chaos and unpredictable results in AI models that use their work without …

I would like to upload 100+ one-hour-long podcasts in MP3 and get a 1-page summary of the most important points discussed in each episode — what’s the best way to go about doing this?

ChatGPT and Bard are cool, but I have to manually feed them transcripts generated by Whisper to get summaries. Furthermore, since the length of the transcript is often longer than the maximum character limit(s), I have to add additional prompts in betw…

The dilemma of potential AI consciousness isn’t going away – in fact, it’s right upon us. And we’re nowhere near prepared. (MIT Tech Review) "AI consciousness isn’t just a devilishly tricky intellectual puzzle; it’s a morally weighty problem with potentially dire consequences. Fail to identify a conscious A…

IBM’s NorthPole chip runs AI image recognition 22x faster than current chips

IBM has developed a chip called NorthPole that runs AI-based image recognition 22 times faster than current chips on the market. The chip uses a two-dimensional array of memory blocks and interconnected CPUs to process data quickly. However, it can on…