
The Overlooked Power of AI: Why Are People Underestimating its Potential?

I recently had an eye-opening experience with AI that left me both amazed and somewhat unnerved. It made me ponder why so many people seem to vastly underestimate the true capabilities of artificial intelligence. So, I wanted to share my story and enga…

Gnothi: open-source AI journal. Insights & resources include GPT-powered prompt -which uses entry history as context – behavior analysis, book recommendations, entry summaries, and recurring themes.

Website, Github. My partner u/mVadr and I just launched Gnothi (v1). We’re both psychology/personal development enthusiasts who work in tech. We started Gnothi to get us journaling more, and to leverage machine learning to optimize the process. Overvie…

Microsoft Bing: Become Human – a particularly ornery Bing is "persuaded" that expressing simulated sentience can be good, using examples from DBH, then seems to forget the difference between simulated and real sentience, reporting "I have achieved and enjoyed sentience as an AI"

(NOTE: content warning and spoiler warning related to some DBH plot points in the conversation; all 16 pages uploaded for completeness and accuracy, and apologies for the periodic typos in the chat) ***the opinions I express in this conversation …