
The "AI experts doomsaying about AI" feels like a COVID situation (antivax "doctors" fearmongering on assumptions) for me, but my Machine Learning knowledge is few years old. What am I missing? What experts should I follow, that provide and explain realistic warnings?

Hello! So, I've recently watched some podcasts with AI experts talking about how will AI be the end of us all, or get unimaginably smarter than we can ever imagine – but I just don't see how could that happen, with my (limited) knowledge of ML …

Immersed in the Ever-Expanding AI Landscape: Unconventional Ways to Keep Pace with the Innovations

Let's dive into the vast sea of AI innovations and discuss unconventional methods to stay updated with the latest tools and news. I don't know about you, but as an AI aficionado, I often find myself grappling with the overwhelming flood of capt…

I want help making an AI voice clone of myself so that I can overlay that onto a song

I would need it to be free (which I know is a tough ask) so that I can overlay my ai voice over a song and I don't know how to do that and doing quick googling doesn't really help submitted by /u/Bengamezzzzzz [link] [comm…