
CGPT-4, how would an AI select the 100 most intelligent people on the planet based on their content rather than on their positions and awards?

If an AI were to take on this task, it would primarily rely on data mining and natural language processing (NLP) techniques. First, the AI would scrape digital platforms to collect works authored by various people. Platforms could range from academic d…

How Big Tech is co-opting the rising stars of artificial intelligence

Big Tech's dominance in the artificial intelligence (AI) industry is growing as start-ups like Anthropic rely on their computing power and resources. Despite creating breakthrough AI technology, these start-ups still need the support of Big Tech t…

Meta, INRIA researchers discover that explicit registers eliminate ViT attention spikes

When visualizing the inner workings of vision transformers (ViTs), researchers noticed weird spikes of attention on random background patches. This didn't make sense since the models should focus on foreground objects. By analyzing the output embed…