
Do you think eventually in order to tell the difference between human made images and artificial made images, there will be some sort of law or rule that requires you to have some sort of water mark when showing your image to show that it is A.I?

Do you think this will happen? I think it would be only right for the government to do this. submitted by /u/Messa_Jar_Jar_Binks [link] [comments]

‘The key thing is that the good guys have better AIs than the bad guys’ says Microsoft founder Bill Gates on the threat from artificial intelligence

and the trend will just get stronger and stronger! submitted by /u/Georgeo57 [link] [comments]

How can you see AI influencing your regular everyday life/job in the future?

By which I mean what specific AI projects can you see expanding to such a degree that they’ll become indispensable to everyday things (i.e. hobbies, specific jobs, travel, learning, etc.), essentially anything you do often or regularly enough that AI c…