
Ray Kurzweil Q&A – The Singularity, Human-Machine Integration & AI | EP #83

his latest book, The Singularity is Nearer, is scheduled for release on June 25th. it will probably have the most insightful and informed take of any on what the next several years in ai will look like submitted by /u/Georgeo57 [l…

Made a parody music video with three AI tools of you know who singing California Gurls. Used Fooocus for the images, RVC (retrieval voice conversion) for the vocals, and Stable video diffusion via COMFYUI for the animation. I imagine most movies in the future will be using some form of AI/

submitted by /u/RainbowUnicorns [link] [comments]

Poisoned AI went rogue during training and couldn’t be taught to behave again in ‘legitimately scary’ study

Try again. Sorry, someone pointed out the link didn’t work. The irony! Anyway. Thought this would be of interest, from a mate of mine, who shared, from a UK University submitted by /u/Thekingofchrome [link] [comments]