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Saw this earlier: This is unbelievable news for us non coders! submitted by /u/BroadGeneral [link] [comments]

Guys I want an ai that can read me a book with human like voice in audiobook. 11 labs does the work but word limit sucks so pls tell me some that are free with good experience.

Pls free with human like voice submitted by /u/DipakPatell [link] [comments]

Verses Ai explains HSML with a virtual robotics demo, skip to about ~35min in for natural AI approach, learning

They go over neuro/natural AI and some terminology like HSML for their private beta It is a neat approach , they say its 10/100/1000x faster in many areas of AI than competitors but the major bottleneck at this time is LLM external calls to help …

I need an AI application where you can press a button in any text field and then prompt the AI to output the answer into the field. Does this exist yet?

Hi all, I'm on the lookout for an AI-powered tool, and I'm hoping this tech-savvy community might point me in the right direction. I envision an application where you press a (mouse)button in any text field, speak your question or prompt, and t…