
How close are we to having AI that can manage a group of accounts that daytrade my money for me 24/7/365 on international markets with almost zero input from me other than setting a few parameters?

I just want to dump money into a few accounts, then set an AI to manage and coordinate my investments and then forget about it. Sure I could just become a Boglehead and take the passive/shotgun approach but I figure AI should be able to manage my money…

AIStudyGroup Season 1, ep 3. "Prompting vs node based workflows" [ex Microsoft AI scientist] Today 6pm – 8pm ET. Comment for invite.

Limited number of people every week Ep 1&2 – "AI Intution" Notes by AI Ice Breakers: Started with some fun introductions. Knowledge Map Overview: Highlighted critical resources: Gemini 1.5, Tori (GPT-4 preview unlimited), ChatGPT-4, Cla…