
How Can Virtual Reality Be Used to Foster Inclusive Education on Medical Cannabis and Cultural Diversity?

How can virtual reality technologies be leveraged to create immersive educational experiences that promote inclusivity and understanding of diverse cultures and lifestyles? Specifically, I’m interested in exploring how VR can be utilized to educate use…

Andrej Karpathy: Current AI systems are imitation learners, but for superhuman AIs we will need better reinforcement learning like in AlphaGo. The model should selfplay, be in a the loop with itself and its own psychology, to achieve superhuman levels of intelligence.

submitted by /u/Happysedits [link] [comments]

AI PhDs are flocking to Big Tech – that could be bad news for open innovation

Open science is essential for technological advancement. National science and innovation policy plays a crucial role in fostering an open ecosystem. Transparency is necessary for accountability in AI development. An open ecosystem allows for more incl…