
NYT’s "Flying Machines Which Do Not Fly" (October 9, 1903): Predicted 1-10 Million Years for Human Carrying Flight. Debunked by the Wright Brothers on December 17, 1903, 69 Days Later!

submitted by /u/subwaycooler [link] [comments]

Exploring Custom Instructions: Debugging Platform-Specific Issues and Seeking Insight from OpenAI Engineers

Hey OpenAI Engineers, I’ve been experimenting with the Custom Instructions feature and have run into some frustrating platform-specific issues across different devices—Apple mobile, Android mobile, and Desktop Windows 10. Here’s a breakdown of the mess…

Is there any Voice to Voice AI where you can clone your voice for the output voice?

Let's say my female friend records a paragraph with the right pitch, speed, intonation, etc. and then I want it to sound like my voice saying that paragraph, with the exact speed, intonation, etc. as the recorded female voice. Is there any voice AI…

How many things do AIs know by heart? I’m curious in how effective is the training in making them remember explicit information (like lyrics of songs, poems, national anthems, Bible verses, Nicene creed, and things like that)?

Has anyone tested that? Also, if they make a genuine attempt at generating lyrics of a well known song or poem, and yet fail (in sense that they make mistakes), is it a good evidence, that they are making subtle mistakes when it comes to other factual …