Using AI to advance AI itself: "We got LLMs to discover better algorithms for training LLMs."
submitted by /u/Maxie445 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/Maxie445 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/FourOpposums [link] [comments]
Yes, we already have "test tube babies"…… but…… Humanity has created a brand new, intelligent life. I don't think people have grasped this fact at all. submitted by /u/TheUncleTimo [link] [comments]
Title says it all, but I’m a song writer and not a singer, if I want to share vocal melody ideas to go with songs it generally is included as a piano line in a song for the actual singer to take ideas from, I’m wondering if I can take that a step furth…
Every day a few new tools pop up to automate comments or posts on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or Reddit. With progress in AI at breathtaking speed, will humans in three years' time still be interested in online interactions if most of th…
submitted by /u/Philipp [link] [comments]
For those at the forefront, what nascent areas of AI are you most excited about or focusing your efforts on right now? I came across these 4 domains which I want to ask if anyone here has experience or idea about it: Data-Centric AI: Data-Centric AI si…
Active inference research paper. submitted by /u/oroechimaru [link] [comments]