
I often find myself on other subs having to refrain from commenting "AI will soon make this job disappear, so your career goals/concerns are irrelevant".

Particularly on the subs about copywriting and the subs about acting. But also generally in any sub relating to working in the entertainment or content industry. I see people talking about how hard it is to get an acting role or to get their career off…

Despite the clickbait title, this video is an extremely well reasoned and plain language breakdown on Leopold Aschenbrenne’s (of OpenAI) recent 100 page paper on the dangers of lax security around AI developments and it’s possible risks. Great channel in general.

submitted by /u/Ok-Training-7587 [link] [comments]

In order for an Al to become sentient it has to learn all by itself

The Al we have today needs all feeding information from the internet. It will never become sentient, if we want to create something that can become sentient then we need to revolutionize Al in a way so that it can learn either with just a single "…