
My prediction for AI – how it could solve the "strawberry" problem and almost anything you throw at it

AI is already getting much better at coding than it used to be. Infamously, if you ask an LLM how many Rs are in "strawberry," it may very well tell you the wrong answer (this is true even of OpenAI's new o1 model, according to YouTuber F…

Shower thought: The skeptics/pundits scoffing at LLM’s "next word predicter" gaffes and current capability gaps doubting it will ever amount to AGI/ASI, or ever seriously threaten white-collar jobs, are EXACTLY like the horse-wagon drivers in early 1900’s scoffing at "slow clunky unreliable cars"

History repeats itself. But this time, the cars are going to be driving themselves, quite literally… Also, to emphasize the obvious for the easily head-wooshed in the crowd: THE AI YOU SEE TODAY IS NOT THE AI YOU WILL SEE TOMORROW. AND TOMORROW COMES…

Research project on AI/ML/Deep Learning for battery materials and manufacturing

Hey guys, Hoping to get some ideas on companies using these technologies to asvance batteries. For instance Monolith AI developed an AI model for researching and testing batteries. Honeywell has some cool AI integrated manufacturing software. Any come …