Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

2 days to go for the DataHack Summit

Introduction What do you think of when you hear the word “Summit” or “Conference”? You think, knowledgeable talks and theoretical buzz. Research and case …
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Intelligence Augmentation and Artificial Intelligence

AI is today increasingly used as a wide term to describe machines that can mimic human functions such as learning and problem solving, but was originally founded on the premise that human intelligence can be precisely described, and machines made to si…

Eight Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ideas for the Mining Industry

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning are now being used in the mining industry.Machine Learning and Deep Learning are a growing and diverse fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) which studies algorithms that are capable of auto…

Five Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ideas for the Compliance Industry

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning are now being used in the compliance industry.Machine Learning and Deep Learning are a growing and diverse fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) which studies algorithms that are capable of …