Artificial Intelligence in Formula 1 Strategy – Part 1/2
A look at how artificial intelligence could reduce human error in strategy
decisions made on the Formula 1 pit wall and back at team HQ.
A look at how artificial intelligence could reduce human error in strategy
decisions made on the Formula 1 pit wall and back at team HQ.
Deep Learning for Identifying Metastatic Breast Cancer (Dayong Wang et al., 2017)Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is revolutionizing the healthcare industry. Here’s what you need to know.Machine Learning is a growing and diverse field of Ar…
Ray Kurzweil, Google’s Director of Engineering, is a well-known futurist
with a high-hitting track record for accurate predictions. Of his 147
predictions since the 1990s, Kurzweil claims an 86 percent accuracy rate.
Earlier this week, at the SXSW Conference in Austin, Texas, Kurzweil made
yet another prediction: the technological singularity will happen sometime
in the next 30 years.
ARM, which designs the chips that power virtually every smartphone in the
world, is anticipating a world where artificial intelligence will be
running on every device.
Apple gave us Siri, Microsoft gave us Cortana, Amazon gave us Alexa, Google
gave us, um, Google, and now Samsung has officially introduced its new
AI-powered assistant Bixby to the world.
High-profile physicists and philosophers gathered to debate whether we are
real or virtual — and what it means either way.
The AI system is able to learn to play one Atari game and then use its
knowledge to learn another.
In social situations, two AIs will also work together if the outcome
benefits them both … otherwise … uh-oh!
Google’s AlphaGo artificial neural network made headlines last year when it
bested a world champion at Go. After marvelling at this feat, Giuseppe
Carleo of ETH Zurich in Switzerland thought it might be possible to build a
similar machine-learning tool to crack one of the knottiest problems in
quantum physics.