Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Opinion: Data is Holding Back AI

By Sultan Meghji, Founder & Managing Director at Virtova  I remember grumbling, “Good lord this is a waste of time,” in 1992 while I was working on an AI application for lip-reading. The grumble escaped my lips because I felt like I was spending half my time inputting data cleanly into the video processing neural […]

13 Experts Weigh in on What We Should Teach Robots

We’ve reached a critical point in the development of robots. As robots become more and more common in our everyday lives, scientists and researchers are beginning to ask if we’re adequately preparing the machines for co-existing with humans. If we’re to live peacefully alongside robots, and if robots are to reach their full potential, there are […]

Space X Launches AI Robot ‘Flying Brain’ Towards Space Station

A ball-shaped artificial intelligence robot nicknamed the “flying brain” because it is trained to follow and interact with a German astronaut blasted off on Friday (June 29) toward the International Space Station aboard SpaceX’s Dragon cargo ship. A spare hand for the station’s robotic arm, an experiment to measure plant stress and a study of a new cancer treatment […]

Ultrasonic Harm and AI Self-Driving Cars

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider The law of unintended consequences is going to impact AI self-driving cars. You can bet on it. Actually, as a society, we’re likely mainly interested in the “adverse” unintended consequences side of that natural law, since there are bound to be lots of otherwise “favorable” unintended consequences – […]

AI Ecosystem in Toronto a Model: Region’s AI Talent Attracting Support From Investors, Major Players

The thriving AI ecosystem in Toronto can serve as a model for other tech hubs. The system is underpinned by the region’s AI talent and expertise, by increasing support from venture capitalists for startups, and by leadership from the top. Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau is into coding, welcomes entrepreneurs to Canada, has tuned the […]

To Share or Not to Share: That is the Big Data Question

Between the disclosures this year about Facebook’s lax data sharing policies and the European Union’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), a lot of people are talking about data privacy and consumer rights. How much data should you share as a consumer with companies like Facebook or Google? But what about businesses? Enterprise organizations may be […]

The Mathematics of Machine Learning

By Wale Akinfaderin, PhD candidate in Physics at Florida State University In the last few months, I have had several people contact me about their enthusiasm for venturing into the world of data science and using Machine Learning (ML) techniques to probe statistical regularities and build impeccable data-driven products. However, I’ve observed that some actually […]

Edmonton Startup using AI to Fix ‘Broken Meetings’

Meetings cost time and money to run, and many of them are unnecessary, says Testfire Labs CEO Dave Damer. His solution: the company’s AI assistant, Currently in its beta test phase, it takes a meeting’s minutes, noting questions, answers and action items by listening via microphone. Its meeting summaries leave out “chit chat” for […]

Artificial Intelligence is the Future for CyberSecurity

The Appeal of AI for Cyber Security has extremely good reasons like automation of operational tasks, develop & delivering predictive capabilities, mitigating human biases behaviour and derive actionable intelligence. On the down side AI requires high volumes of high quality data to learn.

The post Artificial Intelligence is the Future for CyberSecurity appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.
