Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Future Of Beauty – HuffPost


How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Future Of Beauty
How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Future Of Beauty. As if there weren’t already enough products on the market, things are about to get even more advanced. And personal. By Julia Brucculieri. Donald Iain Smith via Getty Images. Is this the

Missing data hinder replication of artificial intelligence studies – Science Magazine

Science MagazineMissing data hinder replication of artificial intelligence studiesScience MagazineThe booming field of artificial intelligence (AI) is grappling with a replication crisis, much like the ones that have afflicted psychology, medicine, and…

The “Father of Artificial Intelligence” Says Singularity Is 30 Years Away – Futurism


The “Father of Artificial Intelligence” Says Singularity Is 30 Years Away
You’ve probably been told that the singularity is coming. It is that long-awaited point in time — likely, a point in our very near future — when advances in artificial intelligence lead to the creation of a machine (a technological form of life

Citizen AI: A business guide to raising artificial intelligence in a digital economy – ZDNet


Citizen AI: A business guide to raising artificial intelligence in a digital economy
Video: Getting started with artificial intelligence and machine learning. How do you improve the way people work and live? Accenture’s Technology Vision 2018 Report tackles this question by highlighting trends and rapid advancements in technologies

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Tech Check: How Artificial Intelligence Is Having a Big Impact On This Company – Forbes

Tech Check: How Artificial Intelligence Is Having a Big Impact On This Company
Gene Marks , Contributor I write about technology developments for small business owners. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Is your company’s technology up to speed or out of date? What’s hot and what’s not? What technologies are

No, artificial intelligence won’t steal your children’s jobs—it will make them more creative and productive – Phys.Org

No, artificial intelligence won’t steal your children’s jobs—it will make them more creative and productive
If one types “artificial intelligence” (AI) on Google Books’ Ngram Viewer – a tool that allows us to check how often a term was printed in a book between 1800 and 2008 – we can clearly see that our modern-day hype, optimism and deep concern about AI

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Automation, Artificial Intelligence, and the Changing Role of Building Managers – Greentech Media

Greentech MediaAutomation, Artificial Intelligence, and the Changing Role of Building ManagersGreentech MediaBuilding automation systems have been common for decades, providing comfort and achieving energy efficiency by managing HVAC, lighting, and oth…

The Key Definitions Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) That Explain Its … – Forbes

ForbesThe Key Definitions Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) That Explain Its …ForbesSince the first use of the term artificial intelligence in 1956, the field of AI has grown and has the attention of all industries, splintered into specialized areas an…

India hopes to become an AI powerhouse by copying China’s model – Quartz


India hopes to become an AI powerhouse by copying China’s model
On Feb. 01, delivering his budget speech, finance minister Arun Jaitley told parliament that the government think-tank, Niti Aayog, will spearhead a national programme on AI, including research and development. The intent showed in the numbers: Budget