Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

The Amazing Ways Instagram Uses Big Data And Artificial Intelligence – Forbes

ForbesThe Amazing Ways Instagram Uses Big Data And Artificial IntelligenceForbesInstagram, the social networking app for sharing photos and videos, launched in 2010. Today, it boasts 800 million monthly active users and is owned by Facebook. There are …

Frankenstein and AI Self-Driving Cars

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider Mankind creates a monster. Monster runs amok and kills. Mankind is threatened or overtaken. This is a typical plot found in popular movies such as Terminator and The Matrix. We see over and again science fiction stories that warn us about overstepping human bounds. We are repeatedly warned […]

Your Company’s Data Has Value; Here is How to Find It

Companies are amassing tremendous volumes of data, which they consider their greatest asset, or at least one of their greatest assets. Yet, few business leaders can articulate what their company’s data is worth. Successful data-driven digital natives understand the value of their data and their valuations depend on sound applications of that data. Increasingly venture […]

Algorithmic Bias is Real and Pervasive. Here’s How You Solve It.

By Robin Bordoli, CEO, CrowdFlower A few months back, I found myself in one of those big electronics stores that are rapidly becoming extinct. I don’t remember exactly why I was there, but I remember a very specific moment where a woman with a Chinese accent paced up to the cashier, plopped her home voice […]

Deep Learning is Seen as a Help to Cardiologists – Not a Job Threat

Applying a deep learning approach to echocardiography could save clinicians time while improving diagnostic accuracy, one Georgia-based cardiologist reported at the American College of Cardiology’s annual meeting in Orlando, this year. Randolph P. Martin, MD, said machine learning—and its self-training subset, deep learning—is often perceived as a threat to cardiologists, but the tools could aid […]

Here Are Reasons Tech Giants Like Google & IBM Are Rushing To Commercialize Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is all set to go beyond labs into the cloud – tech giant Google announced Bristlecone, a quantum processor which will provide a provide a testbed for research into system error rates and scalability of qubit technology, as well as applications in quantum simulation, optimization, and machine learning. Announcing the release, Julian Kelly, Research Scientist at Google’s […]

Can Artificial Intelligence Improve Older Adults’ Health? – Forbes


Can Artificial Intelligence Improve Older Adults’ Health?
Eliezer Yudkowsky, a leading proponent of “friendly” artificial intelligence, offers a cautionary observation about the potential of AI — solving problems by using computers to solve tasks that usually require human intelligence. “The greatest danger

Pentagon Wants Silicon Valley’s Help on A.I. – The New York Times – New York Times

New York Times

Pentagon Wants Silicon Valley’s Help on A.I. – The New York Times
New York Times
Older tech companies have long had ties with military and intelligence. But employees at internet outfits like Google are wary of too much cooperation.

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Before Artificial Intelligence Comes Automation Intelligence – Forbes

ForbesBefore Artificial Intelligence Comes Automation IntelligenceForbesThere are boundless opportunities here, but there is one thing that must happen before AI can take off and become truly intelligent. With all the data that companies generate, eith…