Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Google Glass Is Back–Now With Artificial Intelligence | WIRED – WIRED


Google Glass Is Back–Now With Artificial Intelligence | WIRED
Google Glass lives—and it’s getting smarter. On Tuesday, Israeli software company Plataine demonstrated a new app for the face-mounted gadget. Aimed at …

and more »

Weaponized drones. Machines that attack on their own. ‘That day is going to come’ – CNBC


Weaponized drones. Machines that attack on their own. ‘That day is going to come’
The idea of a computer program learning by itself, growing in knowledge and becoming increasingly sophisticated may be a scary one. It’s even scarier when it’s learning to attack things. It’s easy to dismiss artificial intelligence as yet another tech

6 Practical Lessons in Artificial Intelligence Every Business Needs to Know –

6 Practical Lessons in Artificial Intelligence Every Business Needs to Know
AI is not here to change the world for the worse: Smarter tools simply represent the next stage in evolution, both for humans and the companies for which they work. Here’s what business leaders need to know. As the co-founder of an artificial

AI is hurting people of color and the poor. Experts want to fix that – CNNMoney

CNNMoneyAI is hurting people of color and the poor. Experts want to fix thatCNNMoneyNew technology brings great promise, and as many problems. Smartphones put access to infinite knowledge in our pockets, but led to the rise of tech addiction.and more&n…

Artificial Intelligence Shows Why Atheism Is Unpopular – The Atlantic

The Atlantic

Artificial Intelligence Shows Why Atheism Is Unpopular
The Atlantic
It’s a noble idea: If leaders can use artificial intelligence to predict which policy will produce the best outcome, maybe we’ll end up with a healthier and happier world. But it’s also a dangerous idea: What’s “best” is in the eye of the beholder

API’s and AI Self-Driving Cars

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider API’s have become the darling of the high-tech software world. There are conferences devoted to the topic of API’s. Non-tech business-oriented magazines and journals gush about the importance of API’s. Anyone that makes a software package nowadays is nearly forced into providing API’s. It’s the rise of the […]

With its Academics, Culture of Collaboration, Access to Capital, Concern with Social Impact, Montreal Poised to be AI Startup Hotbed

With its confluence of academics, international accessibility, culture of collaboration, many startups and access to capital, Montreal may be poised to become the next Silicon Valley. This might be especially true given the current America political climate hostile to the international cooperation on which research institutions and technology companies thrive. Montreal is benefitting today from […]

Overcome the Inertia That Keeps Businesses From Deploying AI – Here is How

By Harry Kabadaian, CEO of Fancy Lab, a digital marketing agency Artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t merely “important” to innovation and basic processes at the organization of the future, it’s indispensable. To thrive in that future, businesses already are in early-stage explorations to transform into AI-driven workplaces. But despite the high interest level in leveraging AI in business, […]

Here are the Top 5 Languages for Machine Learning, Data Science

Careers in data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and related technologies are considered among the best choices to pursue in an uncertain future economy where many jobs may end up automated and performed by robots and AI. Yet in spite of the likely strong and secure future of these careers, the job marketplace remains fundamentally […]