Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

2016: The Year That Deep Learning Took Over the Internet

As AI evolves, the role of the computer scientist is changing. Sure, the
world still needs people who can code software. But increasingly, it also
needs people who can train neural networks, a very different skill that’s
more about coaxing a result from the data than building something on your
own. Companies like Google and Facebook are not only hiring a new kind of
talent, but also reeducating their existing employees for this new future –
a future where AI will come to define technology in the lives of just about

Deep Learning for Detection of Diabetic Eye Disease

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the fastest growing cause of blindness, with
nearly 415 million diabetic patients at risk worldwide. If caught early,
the disease can be treated; if not, it can lead to irreversible blindness.
Unfortunately, medical specialists capable of detecting the disease are not
available in many parts of the world where diabetes is prevalent. We
believe that Machine Learning can help doctors identify patients in need,
particularly among underserved populations.