Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Kurzweil Claims that the Singularity Will Happen by 2045

Ray Kurzweil, Google’s Director of Engineering, is a well-known futurist
with a high-hitting track record for accurate predictions. Of his 147
predictions since the 1990s, Kurzweil claims an 86 percent accuracy rate.
Earlier this week, at the SXSW Conference in Austin, Texas, Kurzweil made
yet another prediction: the technological singularity will happen sometime
in the next 30 years.

AI Learns to Solve Quantum State of Many Particles at Once

Google’s AlphaGo artificial neural network made headlines last year when it
bested a world champion at Go. After marvelling at this feat, Giuseppe
Carleo of ETH Zurich in Switzerland thought it might be possible to build a
similar machine-learning tool to crack one of the knottiest problems in
quantum physics.