Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

The Rise And Rise Of IBM, Technology Hype, And Fascination With Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Forbes


The Rise And Rise Of IBM, Technology Hype, And Fascination With Artificial Intelligence (AI)
A number of this week’s milestones in the history of technology link the rise of IBM, the introduction of the ENIAC, and the renewed fascination with so-called artificial intelligence. On February 14, 1924, the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company

Artificial Intelligence could add $320bn to GCC and Egypt economies by 2030: report – Arab News

Arab News

Artificial Intelligence could add $320bn to GCC and Egypt economies by 2030: report
Arab News
LONDON: Artificial intelligence is set to swell the GCC and Egypt’s economies to the tune of $320 billion by 2030, according to a report. Globally, the economic uplift could be to the magnitude of $15.7 trillion, more than the current output of China
Artificial intelligence to contribute US$320 billion to Middle East GDP by 2030: studyEmirates 24|7
AI to power UAE growthKhaleej Times

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Gigster Pairs Smart Developers With Designers Using Artificial Intelligence – Black Enterprise

Black EnterpriseGigster Pairs Smart Developers With Designers Using Artificial IntelligenceBlack EnterpriseAccording to its site, Gigster is the fastest and easiest way to build custom software solutions. The company has amassed the largest network of …

Job One for Quantum Computers: Boost Artificial Intelligence | WIRED – WIRED


Job One for Quantum Computers: Boost Artificial Intelligence | WIRED
In the early ’90s, Elizabeth Behrman, a physics professor at Wichita State University, began working to combine quantum physics with artificial intelligence—in particular, the then-maverick technology of neural networks. Most people thought she was

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Launch of CEPEJ’s work on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in judicial systems – Council of Europe (press release)

Council of Europe (press release)

Launch of CEPEJ’s work on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in judicial systems
Council of Europe (press release)
On 8 February 2018, CEPEJ launched its work on the use of artificial intelligence in judicial systems, in coordination with the Committee of the Convention on data protection. A multidisciplinary team of experts will lead the drafting of guidelines for

The biggest misconception about artificial intelligence – Yahoo Finance

Yahoo Finance

The biggest misconception about artificial intelligence
Yahoo Finance
IBM Research Vice President of AI Science Alexander Gray addressed the illusory nature of AI on Friday at Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s 20th annual Venture Capital and Innovation Conference. “The biggest misconception is that we have it. I

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Alumni call on MIT to champion artificial intelligence education – MIT News

MIT NewsAlumni call on MIT to champion artificial intelligence educationMIT NewsIn the weeks before the launch of the MIT Intelligence Quest, an initiative that will advance the science and engineering of human and machine intelligence, School of Engin…

Omnipresence for AI Self-Driving Cars

By Dr. Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider In my college days, we used to drive from Los Angeles up to the Bay Area so that we could watch our football team play against several of our most bitter rivals. The driving time was about six to seven hours and was quite a journey. Me […]