Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Successful AI Companies Build Insurmountable Leads Using Data Strategy

The most recent issue of MIT Technology Review shows their annual list of 35 Innovators Under 35.  Of these, 15 are AI-based – 43%.  Another 3 are in Computational Synthetic Biology that depends on deep learning. Similarly the website which tracks the formation and investment in startups shows about 6,800 companies specifically relating to AI.  That’s probably understated.  […]

How to Map Out a Career Path in This Early Stage of AI

By Stephanie Glass, Head of Product Marketing, AI Solutions, Aera Technology Artificial intelligence is already reshaping society as we know it in both business and consumer realms. Early use cases with Alexa, autonomous vehicles and AI-driven supply chains provide just a glimpse of the disruption that AI is poised to deliver in the near future and […]

How to Land a Data Scientist Job at Your Dream Company — My Journey to Airbnb

By Kelly Peng, Data Scientist, Airbnb I just started my new job at Airbnb as a data scientist a month ago, and I still feel that I’m too lucky to be here. Nobody knows how much I wanted to join this company — I had pictures of Airbnb office stuck in front of my desk; I had […]

Can Artificial Intelligence Help In Hiring Talent? Darwin Ecosystem Says Yes! – Forbes

ForbesCan Artificial Intelligence Help In Hiring Talent? Darwin Ecosystem Says Yes!ForbesCompanies need a new strategy to turn the tide, and artificial intelligence (AI) technology may be just the tool businesses need to make progress. To understand ho…

Pentagon Courts Tech Giants For Artificial Intelligence – Nasdaq


Pentagon Courts Tech Giants For Artificial Intelligence
Google’s planned exit from the controversial “Maven” project doesn’t mean the Pentagon’s artificial intelligence aims will go bust. It just opens up a new window of opportunity for other tech giants, like Amazon, Microsoft and IBM—all of whom were

IBM Showcases Artificial Intelligence Superiority With Project Dabater – Forbes


IBM Showcases Artificial Intelligence Superiority With Project Dabater
It was 2011 when IBM’s Watson won the game show Jeopardy. Shortly after, the IBM Research team was ready to go beyond game playing and began to brainstorm the next feat to challenge an artificial intelligence algorithm. They decided to create an AI …

K-12 Artificial Intelligence Market Set to Explode in US and Worldwide by 2024 – Education Week

Education WeekK-12 Artificial Intelligence Market Set to Explode in US and Worldwide by 2024Education WeekThe use of artificial intelligence in education is expected to explode to a worldwide market value of $6 billion over the next six years, with abo…