Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Overcome the Inertia That Keeps Businesses From Deploying AI – Here is How

By Harry Kabadaian, CEO of Fancy Lab, a digital marketing agency Artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t merely “important” to innovation and basic processes at the organization of the future, it’s indispensable. To thrive in that future, businesses already are in early-stage explorations to transform into AI-driven workplaces. But despite the high interest level in leveraging AI in business, […]

Here are the Top 5 Languages for Machine Learning, Data Science

Careers in data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and related technologies are considered among the best choices to pursue in an uncertain future economy where many jobs may end up automated and performed by robots and AI. Yet in spite of the likely strong and secure future of these careers, the job marketplace remains fundamentally […]

Solving Sparse-Reward Tasks with Curiosity

By Arthur Juliani, Senior Software Engineer, Machine Learning, Unity Technologies Now there is an easy way to encourage agents to explore the environment more effectively when the rewards are infrequent and sparsely distributed. These agents can do this using a reward they give themselves based on how surprised they are about the outcome of their […]

Deep Learning – Mandate for Humans, Not Just Machines

Deep Learning terminology can be quite overwhelming to newcomers.. This blog post covers important aspect of deep learning which can be defined as set of techniques that uses neural networks to simulate human decision-making skills. #AILabPage

The post Deep Learning – Mandate for Humans, Not Just Machines appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.


Egocentric Design and AI Self-Driving Cars

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider You might find of interest the social psychology aspect known as the actor-observer effect. Before I explain what it is, allow me to provide you with a small story of something that happened the other day. I was chatting with an AI developer that is creating software for […]

Facebook Poaches Head of Chip Development From Google

Facebook Inc. has sent another signal that it’s serious about building its own semiconductors, joining Apple Inc., Alphabet Inc.’s Google, and Inc. in trying to make its own custom chips. The social-networking giant this month hired Shahriar Rabii to be a vice president and its head of silicon. Rabii previously worked at Google, where he […]

What Machine Learning Practitioners Actually Do, by Rachel Thomas,

By Rachel Thomas, founder, and Asst. Professor, Data Institute, University of San Francisco There are frequent media headlines about both the scarcity of machine learning talent and about the promises of companies claiming their products automate machine learning and eliminate the need for ML expertise altogether. In his recent keynote at the TensorFlow DevSummit, Google’s head of AI Jeff […]

3 Companies Using AI to Forge New Advances in Healthcare

When you think of artificial intelligence (AI), you might not immediately think of the healthcare sector. However, that would be a mistake. AI has the potential to do everything from predicting readmissions, cutting human error and managing epidemics to assisting surgeons to carry out complex operations. Here we take a closer look at three intriguing […]

Fintech: Sector Can Benefit From Up To $512 Billion via Intelligent Automation

A new report from Capgemini’s Digital Transformation Institute reveals that, by 2020, the financial services industry could reap up to $512 billion in new global revenues through intelligent automation. The report, Growth in the Machine, demonstrates the advantages of applying the right combination of robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), and business process optimisation in the sector […]