Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

This sex doll maker in China is embedding its products with artificial intelligence – South China Morning Post

South China Morning Post

This sex doll maker in China is embedding its products with artificial intelligence
South China Morning Post
Amid Beijing’s push to turn the country into an artificial intelligence (AI) powerhouse and embed the technology in all facets of life, some Chinese entrepreneurs are taking the expertise to a new frontier: sex dolls. WMDOLL, one of China’s biggest sex

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Mark Cuban on dangers of AI: If you don’t think Terminator is coming, ‘you’re crazy’ – CNBC


Mark Cuban on dangers of AI: If you don’t think Terminator is coming, ‘you’re crazy’
Speaking to an audience of conservative high school students at the High School Leadership Summit Turning Point USA event in Washington D.C. Tuesday, Cuban laid down several serious warnings about the future of artificial intelligence and among them …

Voices From artificial intelligence to accounting intelligence – Accounting Today

Accounting Today

Voices From artificial intelligence to accounting intelligence
Accounting Today
Some call artificial intelligence the fourth industrial revolution — and it fascinates us, raises many questions, excites us, even scares us a little. (I’m still not sure I want to be on the same roads as self-driving cars!) But there is no denying

Report: AI is the new space race, and the US needs a “Sputnik moment” – MIT Technology Review

MIT Technology Review

Report: AI is the new space race, and the US needs a “Sputnik moment”
MIT Technology Review
The United States could lose its economic and political standing in the world if it doesn’t develop a comprehensive, high-priority plan for artificial intelligence. That’s the stark warning from a new report issued today by the Center for a New

Google Glass Is Back–Now With Artificial Intelligence | WIRED – WIRED


Google Glass Is Back–Now With Artificial Intelligence | WIRED
Google Glass lives—and it’s getting smarter. On Tuesday, Israeli software company Plataine demonstrated a new app for the face-mounted gadget. Aimed at …

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Weaponized drones. Machines that attack on their own. ‘That day is going to come’ – CNBC


Weaponized drones. Machines that attack on their own. ‘That day is going to come’
The idea of a computer program learning by itself, growing in knowledge and becoming increasingly sophisticated may be a scary one. It’s even scarier when it’s learning to attack things. It’s easy to dismiss artificial intelligence as yet another tech

6 Practical Lessons in Artificial Intelligence Every Business Needs to Know –

6 Practical Lessons in Artificial Intelligence Every Business Needs to Know
AI is not here to change the world for the worse: Smarter tools simply represent the next stage in evolution, both for humans and the companies for which they work. Here’s what business leaders need to know. As the co-founder of an artificial