Can you guys appease my fear? or should I still be consserned.
Can you guys appease my fear? or should I still be consserned.

Can you guys appease my fear? or should I still be consserned.

For the first time ever technology is making me scared.

Now at first I thought stuff like chatgpt was neat and super cool but these past few months...

Im seing super realistic pictures and videos being AI it scares me to death...and right now in the hiphop there has been 2 "leaks" yesterday from my 2 rappers I listen to, The songs sounded really and guess what turns out both song are AI and not made by them. Its crazy im scared that in the future people will be able to use AI to frame people or do other malicious stuff. Seeing deep fakes of people on porn... Im getting paranoid and dreading the future because of that. Should I be that scared or it is never going to that point? thanks again

submitted by /u/luckysyd
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