Can LLMs play games?
Can LLMs play games?

Can LLMs play games?

"LLMs can't play tic-tac-toe". This assertion is something I have come across in multiple places, but that left me wondering how much of that limitation could be overcome by clever prompting.

To explore this idea, I have created a little site. It lets you create "robots" through system prompts, and have them play matches against each other.

At the time it's pretty bare-bones, with only one option of LLM (Llama 3 70B) and two games, tic-tac-toe and rock'n'steamroll (rock-paper-scissors with a twist).

As an LLM provider I'm using Groq, which has a quite generous free API usage tier. If you would like to play around with the whole thing locally, you can find the implementations of the games in my GitHub, but you will need your own Groq API key.

All feedback is welcome. I'm just doing this as a fun experiment, so I'm really interested in hearing what you think.

submitted by /u/joronoso
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