Bill Gates feels Generative AI has plateaued, says GPT-5 will not be any better
Bill Gates feels Generative AI has plateaued, says GPT-5 will not be any better

Bill Gates feels Generative AI has plateaued, says GPT-5 will not be any better

  • Bill Gates believes that generative AI, specifically GPT technology, has reached a plateau and that GPT-5 will not be an improvement.

  • In the next two to five years, Gates predicts an increase in the accuracy of AI software and a reduction in cost, leading to the creation of new and reliable applications.

  • Gates acknowledges the high cost of training large language models and the enormous costs for computing power and semiconductors.

  • He sees significant potential in AI in the short term and believes that new research will make AI more reliable and comprehensible.

  • Gates also believes that developing nations will benefit greatly from AI, citing the example of health advice via smartphones.

  • Despite the prevalent issues with reliability, Gates sees AI becoming integral to healthcare, particularly in drug and vaccine development.

  • He believes that understanding how AI encrypts information will be a milestone and that there are ongoing efforts to decipher the black box of AI.

  • Gates states that there is no way to know when Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) will arrive, but sees it as a profound development for humanity.

  • Regarding climate change, Gates mentions that climate models are improving and that there will be new crops and investments in improving the power grid with AI.

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submitted by /u/NuseAI
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