Best current long-form text summarizers?
Best current long-form text summarizers?

Best current long-form text summarizers?

I check every now and then. I use some good ones that can summarize a short YouTube video, or a brief-ish article. But I really want something that can chomp down a whole book and distill its essence without making "summaries of summaries", which tend to increase inaccuracy and errors. A good summary is concise and precise, and I want flexibility with bullet points and level of detail.

Having issues with ChatGPT-based tools' token limits, and some that purport to support GPT4 (I could use that "advanced reasoning") but but have to fall back to GPT3 for various errors and reasons. So I'm open to Claude-based ones (may be too early, mo' tokens) and other proprietary engines.

What is everyone using, including paid (rightfully so if they offer value for the money) services?

submitted by /u/Torley_
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