Best books on AI?
Best books on AI?

Best books on AI?

Hello humans and our eventual robot overlords,

I'm looking to expand my knowledge on AI. Specifically how the merge of infotech and biotech will shape human behaviour; how machine-learning algorithms influence human psychology.

Looking for the the most insightful books! The only ideas I've read so far have been a few chapters in 21 lessons by Harari.

Many thanks and have a nice day

submitted by /u/pixieshit
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Best books on AI?

Hello humans and our eventual robot overlords,

I'm looking to expand my knowledge on AI. Specifically how the merge of infotech and biotech will shape human behaviour; how machine-learning algorithms influence human psychology.

Looking for the the most insightful books! The only ideas I've read so far have been a few chapters in 21 lessons by Harari.

Many thanks and have a nice day

submitted by /u/pixieshit
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