Best AI program for fixing heavily pixelated images of ANIMALS/ non human subjects?
Best AI program for fixing heavily pixelated images of ANIMALS/ non human subjects?

Best AI program for fixing heavily pixelated images of ANIMALS/ non human subjects?

I’ve used several AI programs that work excellent on blurred/pixelated photos of human faces but beyond that, I have not had success finding a program that can render animals in similar way. I’m more looking for something that can make the quality of a pixelated photo of say, a dog, non pixelated. Or at least, much less pixelated.

The images I’m trying to use are just absolutely horrible and not fixable, or I am just not using the best programs for my purposes. Or the programs I’m looking for simply do not exist yet.

If you have any recommendations (Paid or free programs) please do share! I have a MacBook and an iPhone if that helps.

Thank you! 💕

submitted by /u/briannaleidy
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