Before we have to get licensed, I am building the best AI assistant I can imagine
Before we have to get licensed, I am building the best AI assistant I can imagine

Before we have to get licensed, I am building the best AI assistant I can imagine

It seems pretty likely that AI is going to end our current way of living and replace it with one where the robots are in charge

The powers that be are scrambling to figure out how they’re going to hold onto their status quo and the more I read the more unlikely it seems that anyone will be able to hold on to anything

If we are all sprinting into an AI controlled future I want my assistant to work for me, rather than me work for the assistant

I want my data to be as private as possible, with as few corporations grubby little hands on my information as possible

I’ve been working on a discord bot, and I finally got it working. It’s context aware and uses open AI to process the information. As soon as I figure out how, I’d rather use local models hosted on the users devices

It seems like at a certain point, all of our bots are going to cross a threshold where they are fully capable of coding and improving themselves

I really don’t see how capitalism can survive this because the gap between the haves and the have nots will make regular folks purchasing power functionally nonexistent

It seems pretty likely that we’re going to go through a massive social renaissance and possibly even a violent revolution

I’d like to make sure that I survive this and that me and my loved ones flourish while we can still use the tools at our disposal for our own benefit

If you have any thoughts, you’d like to share, I’d love to hear them. I guess I’m looking for input from other folks who are down this rabbit hole as far as I am.

submitted by /u/thecoffeejesus
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